在2023财政年度, CHS皇冠hga010安卓二维码业务实现了强劲的盈利, 反映成品油市场状况持续良好.


净收入为1美元.90亿美元,超过了此前的最高水平. Strong operational performance, favorable market conditions deliver increased earnings. 皇冠hga010安卓二维码计划在2024财年向所有者返还7.3亿美元现金.


Strong operational performance, favorable market conditions deliver increased earnings


CHS.是美国领先的农业综合企业合作社,今天报告净利润为1美元.截至8月9日的财政年度,该皇冠hga010安卓二维码亏损90亿美元. 31,2023,相比之下,1美元.2022财年预算为70亿美元.


  • 综合收入为45美元.2023财年为60亿美元,而不是47亿美元.2022财年预算为80亿美元.
  • 我们的皇冠hga010安卓二维码部门实现了强劲的盈利, 反映了我们的成品油业务持续有利的市场环境.
  • 在我们的农业部门, robust meal and oil demand contributed to higher earnings in our soybean and canola processing business.
  • Our equity method investments performed well, particularly CF Nitrogen and Ventura Foods.

“我们的成员合作社和农场主的支持, 员工的奉献精神, exceptional operational performance and favorable market conditions enabled us to achieve the strongest earnings in our history during fiscal year 2023,杰·德贝坦说, CHS .总裁兼首席执行官. 结果是, CHS intends to return $730 million in cash patronage and equity redemptions to our member cooperatives and farmer-owners in fiscal year 2024, 展示了我们与生产商分享利润的皇冠hga010安卓二维码, local cooperatives and rural businesses that work with us to help feed people around the world.

“Our shared success showcases the unique power of the cooperative system to keep adapting and advancing through the uncertainties that can come with agriculture. 我们将继续合作, 创新和投资,满足全球对农产品日益增长的需求,德贝丁补充道. 多元化的投资组合, coupled with strategic investments in supply chain capabilities and emerging market opportunities, positions CHS to create a better company for the future and to maximize value for our owners and customers."





  • A significant increase in our refined fuels income due to higher refining margins and favorable pricing of heavy Canadian crude oil — partially offset by the impact of decreased production volumes at our Montana refinery due to major planned maintenance
  • 得益于有利的市场环境,我们丙烷业务的利润率有所提高



  • 农艺产品批发和零售利润下降, which experienced market-driven price declines compared to historically high prices in the previous year
  • 由于市场价格下降,乙醇的利润率下降
  • 按市值计价调整对粮食和油籽的负面影响
  • Margin increases in our oilseed processing business, bolstered by strong meal and oil demand


税前收益260美元.800万代表217美元.2 million decrease versus the prior year due to lower equity income from our CF Nitrogen investment attributed to decreased market prices of urea and UAN.


税前收益259美元.800万代表201美元.与上年相比,增加了900万美元, 除其他因素外, 增加了文图拉食品合资企业的股权收入, 哪个国家的食用油市场条件更有利, 增加了利息收入.

CHS. 收益*

  2023 2022
皇冠hga010安卓二维码 $1,075,443 $616,551
Ag 411,808 657,586
氮生产 260,760 477,985
皇冠hga010安卓二维码及其他 259,768 57,895
税前收入 2,007,779 1,810,017
所得税费用 107,655 132,116
净收益 1,900,124 1,677,901
归属于非控制性权益的净亏损收益 (314) (861)
归属于CHS皇冠hga010安卓二维码的净收入. $1,900,438 $1,678,762


CHS. (skillscenter.fc-daudenzell.com)建立联系,赋予农业权力. As a leading global agribusiness and the largest farmer-owned cooperative in the United States, CHS的客户遍布65个国家,拥有近10名员工,全世界有5000人. 我们提供关键的作物投入, 市场准入和风险澳门皇冠赌场平台服务,帮助农民养活世界. Our diversified agronomy, grains, foods and energy businesses recorded revenues of $45.2023财政年度为60亿美元. 我们通过皇冠hga010安卓二维码成为环境的管家来促进可持续发展, 建立经济活力,加强社区和员工福利.

本文件和其他CHS .. 可公开获取的文件包括, 及卫生服务中心官员及代表可不时作出, "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. 1995年私人证券诉讼改革法案. 前瞻性陈述可以通过“预期”等词来识别,”“意愿,”“计划,“”的目标,”“找,”“相信,”“项目,”“估计,”“希望,”“战略,”“未来,”“可能,”“可能,”“应该,“将”和类似的对未来时期的引用. Forward-looking statements are neither historical facts nor assurances of future performance. 而不是, 它们只是基于CHS当前的信念, 对其业务未来的期望和假设, 财务状况和经营成果, 未来的计划和策略, 预测, 预期的事件和趋势, 经济和其他未来状况. 因为前瞻性陈述与未来有关, 它们受制于固有的不确定性, risks and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of CHS control. CHS actual results and financial condition may differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements. Therefore, you should not place undue reliance on any of these forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause CHS actual results and financial condition to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements are discussed or identified in CHS filings made with the U.S. 美国证券交易委员会, including in the "Risk Factors" discussion in Item 1A of CHS Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2023. These factors may include: changes in commodity prices; the impact of government policies, 授权, regulations and trade agreements; global and regional political, 经济, legal and other risks of doing business globally; the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine; the escalation of conflict in the Middle East; the impact of inflation; the impact of epidemics, 大流行, 疾病暴发和其他不利的公共卫生发展, including COVID-19; the impact of market acceptance of alternatives to refined petroleum products; consolidation among our suppliers and customers; nonperformance by contractual counterparties; changes in federal income tax laws or our tax status; the impact of compliance or noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations; the impact of any governmental investigations; the impact of environmental liabilities and litigation; actual or perceived quality, safety or health risks associated with our products; the impact of seasonality; the effectiveness of our risk management strategies; business interruptions, casualty losses and supply chain issues; the impact of workforce factors; our funding needs and financing sources; financial institutions’ and other capital sources’ policies concerning energy-related businesses; technological improvements that decrease the demand for our agronomy and energy products; our ability to complete, 整合并从收购中获益, 战略联盟, 合资企业, divestitures and other nonordinary course-of-business events; security breaches or other disruptions to our information technology systems or assets; the impact of our environmental, 社会和治理实践, including failures or delays in achieving our strategies or expectations related to climate change or other environmental matters; the impairment of long-lived assets; the impact of bank failures; and other factors affecting our businesses generally. Any forward-looking statements made by CHS in this document are based only on information currently available to CHS and speak only as of the date on which the statement is made. CHS没有义务更新任何前瞻性声明, 无论是书面的还是口头的, 这可能会不时发生, 是否是新信息的结果, 未来发展或其他情况,除非适用法律要求.


金融类股 2021年1月6日

CHS.美国领先的农业综合企业合作社,今天公布净利润69美元.截至11月11日的2021财年第一季度为700万美元. 30, 2020. 相比之下,净收入为177美元.2020财年第一季度为900万美元.